Warning : Following the changes to the EU legislation on « Posting of Workers », in particular the entry into force of the new Directive 2018/957, the information presented on this website is no longer up to date.
Please refer to the information provided by the concerned national authority/ies.s

Posting of Workers in the Construction Industry


A "posted” worker is someone who is employed in one EU Member State and sent by his/her employer on a temporary basis to carry out his work in another Member State.

Moving within the EU from one Member State to another for a limited period of time has become an increasingly important feature of employment for companies and for workers in the construction industry and it raises some important questions:

I am a CONSTRUCTION COMPANY and I have to undertake temporarily some work in a different Member State than the one in which I usually operate :  

·         are there any administrative obligations that I have to undertake before I start my work ?

·         what salary do I have to pay to my workers ?

·         I am used to applying some health and safety rules in my home country, but are they the same in the country where the worksite is located ?


I am a CONSTRUCTION WORKER and I will be sent temporarily to a worksite situated in a different Member State than the one in which I usually work :  

·         what salary does my employer have to pay me?

·         how many maximum hours per day will I have to work ?

·         how can I get in contact with the local trade unions ?


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