A "posted” worker is someone who is employed in one EU Member State and sent by his/her employer on a temporary basis to carry out his work in another Member State.
Moving within the EU from one Member State to another for a limited period of time has become an increasingly important feature of employment for companies and for workers in the construction industry and it raises some important questions:
I am a construction company and I have to undertake temporarily some work in a different Member State than the one in which I usually operate :
- are there any administrative obligations that I have to undertake before I start my work ?
- what salary do I have to pay to my workers ?
- I am used to applying some health and safety rules in my home country, but are they the same in the country where the worksite is located ?
I am a
construction worker and I will be sent temporarily to a worksite situated in a different Member State than the one in which I usually work :
- what salary does my employer have to pay me?
- how many maximum hours per day will I have to work ?
- how can I get in contact with the local trade unions ?
your rights as a worker and your obligations, as a company, when working in
another Member State are the key elements for ensuring a level playing field
and for avoiding unfair competition and fraudulent social practices.
On this website
you will find for each Member State covered most of the answers to these
questions and some further information as well.
In case you
wish to obtain more information and/or personal advice, you can click on the
logo of the national trade unions or employers’ organisation(s) of the host
country (also called the country of employment).
Please note
that the information provided on this website is not legally binding and may inadvertently
contain some inaccuracies due to recent changes in the national legislation,
about which we are not yet aware.
In contrast
to other industrial sectors, the construction industry produces, by means of
mobile production techniques, immobile and stationary products in the form of
infrastructure works and buildings. In the construction industry, it is the
workers that move around rather than the products. It is therefore an industry
characterised by the high mobility of its workforce.